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LFL 200 N utilizes LED’s with a high CRI factor, which make it a light fixture with a long life, exceptional performance and enhanced lighting efficiency. It provides perfect lighting for applications in TV studios, conference rooms, stage and multi-purpose halls.
Compared to LFL 200N, LFL 200 has the following advantages:
-Low noise and quiet internal cooling with heat compensation system which controls the LED module temperature
-Excellent light propagation due to the round shape LED modules and the Fresnel lens
-TLD (Tungsten-like Dimmer) factor with a high detailed dimmer circuitry


-CRI factor higher than 85 suitable for TV and studio applications
-Operation life time over 30,000 hours
-Up to 90% energy saving compared to Tungsten light
-Integrated dimmer which eliminates the need for an external dimmer
-Utilizing PWM technology in the internal DMX circuitry and the ability to dim the lighting from zero to 100%
-Consolidated die cast housing
-Light weight and enhanced design
-Low power consuption
-High efficiency

Input Voltage 100 ~ 220 v AC 50 ~ 60 Hz
Power 100 W
Lamp LED  3200° K / 5600° K
Lens Diameter 200 mm
CRI > 85
Operation Temperature 10° ~ 40°
Weight 9.5 Kg


LFL 200-N (LED)